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“Siobhan dove headfirst to create some of the best online art and community-building this side of 2020, and I can only hope her digital community-building continues long past the point of vaccination.”

Clark Levi


Every Day I’ll Hope

Siobhán’s first NEW, In-Real-Life performance in 6 years.

Bulletproof Bambi is finally achieving her dream: she’s directing, producing, and engineering her own sci-fi/fantasy audiobook, all by herself. This project is so important to her: she’s away from her controlling Only Fans manager as well as her rigorous schedule of creating infomercials for Tik-Tok and Instagram.

She’s so supremely excited that you’ve been cast in her audiobook, and she can’t wait to welcome you into the VO Booth, where she’ll be completely in charge of the session.

What could possibly go wrong?


The Fantastical of Now

A sister-show to the tech-heavy Every Day I’ll Hope, Bulletproof Bambi returns for an extremely uncomplicated performance in the form of a book talk, in an extremely malleable space.

Yes, Bambi is presenting a talk, or a lecture, or hosting a Q & A session, for that book she definitely wrote.

In this immersive performance, questions about Bambi’s new novel get spun right back to the audience as she seeks validation and community in this heartfelt exploration of humanity and the love of a novel.

Please Don’t Touch (the Artist) 

“A project of historical significance.”
— New Show New York

“The most captivating zoom call I’ve had to date.”
— Minnesota Playlist

Please Don’t Touch the Artist is a series of remote experiences designed to humbly ask questions and create an honest, genuine community of friends and lovers online.

Join us for an upcoming performance, and pin your crush, right here.

Our Flagship Performance Piece, and Magnum Zoom Opus:
“My Heart Goes Zoom.”


On March 17th of 2020, Siobhán sporadically mounted a zoom “show” (she read her journal out loud with no plan whatsoever) that catapulted her into a series the likes of which the zoom platform has never seen before.

Over 115 episodes later, these episodic performances are now quarterly as opposed to twice a week(!!), and the friendships, bonds, and relationships of all kind that were made at PDT continue to develop at the most current iteration of Siobhán’s work: her community retreat. From Please Don’t Touch to Please Do Vibe, the heart of it all is in the heart of the humans.